A Meeting in the Kitchen


I had an interesting guest in my little kitchen, someone who asked me to make my Mole recipe so he could blog about it. I’m talking about the late Ron Eade, who was the food writer for the Citizen for many years. After he retired, he couldn’t sit still, so he started blogging.

I had met Ron in my DiVino Wine Studio days… he documented a dinner we made with an Italian guest Chef, but during that night, I was busy getting things done, and Ron judiciously stayed out of the kitchen.

Years later, after I’d left DiVino, Ron contacted me and asked if he could come cook with me. He wanted to know how Mole was made. I thought he was going to actually help me make the sauce, but no… he stood across the bar from my counter and watched me intently. He asked lots and lots of questions. I have to say, he grilled me for information. He even made a video of our session together. I had a good time with him. You can check the recipe and the video out by visiting his website.

He left that day with a litre-full of Mole sauce, which he then said he enjoyed with his family.

Months later, Ron “Liked” my Facebook page, and he sent me a private message saying he really liked my Mole recipe and thanked me for generously sharing it with him.

I am glad I got to cook and share my Mole with him. That is precisely what I love to do.

I hope Ron is having fun up in Heaven.